Concierge no longer allowed to accept our mail

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Re: Concierge no longer allowed to accept our mail

Postby matthew924 » Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:52 pm

Assuming that residents association and committee are used interchangeably by revolution

In an email dated 9/12/13 revolution said "The residents association has decided to put this money into the sinking fund which will go towards future expenditure on the building." Are you therefore saying that this is a false claim and, to the knowledge of the committee, this has never been agreed?
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Re: Concierge no longer allowed to accept our mail

Postby uza » Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:35 pm

My previous comment was more aimed at addressing the topic of the thread, the mail issue. On this topic nothing has been agreed on what action we should take, or if we should alter the service at this point, or take the savings proposed to add to the sinking fund. However you are indeed correct that we agree with Revolution that any savings made on the budget 'overall' this year should transfer to the sinking fund.

In this Revolution have jumped the gun and had not conveyed to the committee (or residents) formally that from the 1st January parcel collection would cease. In our meeting with revolution on the 20th November the topic was left on the table for further investigation, and for the committee to look at alternative solutions, and gauge what the residents thoughts were about the loss/change of service.
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Re: Concierge no longer allowed to accept our mail

Postby andrewalmond-smith » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:19 pm


I have just found out that the facilities team will no longer be accepting parcels, and to be honest this is a huge inconveniance. I struggle to see how this is working out to be such a huge cost and clearly there are a number of linking issues in here.

I for one did not see the Facebook post asking whether we would prefer to keep it or not at the time and it sounds like others didn't see it either.

I am happy for my service charge to stay as it is and keep the parcel delivery option in, I am sure many others are also happy with this. I also got an email recently saying that Revolution have managed to save 56k and this was opted to be put into a shrinking fund - could this not have been used here?

Additionally, with the new phased being up and ready shortly, they could potentially use the service also?

I have not read all the posts on this topic so may have missed some details and my questions may have already been answered, however I think it would be worth while if we could organise something like a residents meeting (these may already be in place, but I haven't been to one before) to discuss the issue further?

It seems like a decision has been made and not all people have been aware of the decision up front. I do feel that a more formal process should have been carried out rather than just a Facebook post.

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Re: Concierge no longer allowed to accept our mail

Postby Steve » Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:49 pm

Judging by feedback on Facebook of late, there's a fair few people not happy about the service being taken away. It does sound like a discussion point for all 200 apartments to be somewhat a part of. Personally I want to see the parcel service remain, would rather see that, than a decrease in service charge...
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Re: Concierge no longer allowed to accept our mail

Postby andrewalmond-smith » Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:20 pm

I have been waiting for a delivery for 3 days and despite being in everyday, the courier has for some reason not bee able to delivery. There has been no card in my post box because they cannot gain entry into the building. It's resulted in me waiting all day on Saturday to receive it in case I am not in.

I think we need to discuss this further in a residents meeting and get a wider population in on the conversation.

Additionally - I have now attempted to join the Facebook group 3 times - once a few months back and twice in the last couple of weeks.

Does anybody know who the administrator is so that they can accept my request and let me join in the group so that I can have my say on these matters?
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Re: Concierge no longer allowed to accept our mail

Postby MSD » Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:43 pm

I think the issue is compounded by two additional issues. The mail companies are lazy and / or impatient. and this building seems very difficult for mail services to access. In December (despite my wife being home on every occasion) we had 15 missed mail cards from Royal Mail/ parcelfarce and 4 missed collections from UPS. We received no intercom call on any of the 19 occasions.

however, I am glad to see that the collection service has resumed until an alternative can be sought.
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