Islington Wharf Residents Association
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4 November 2018
Attendees: |
Linda Cox                   (LC) Revolution |
Apologies: |
Katherine Harrison, Paul Kelly, Susan Swientozielskyj, Anand Patel, Jonathan Isaacs, Ian Forrester |
Agenda item: |
3. |
Minutes of last meeting: No amendments and subject to the adjustments, the minutes accepted as a true record. |
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Actions from last meeting: Moth Traps – Revolution confirmed these are with the Caretaker, who is in the process of putting them up. Change in lift service contract interval – Revolution have been in contact with Otis. Monthly visits would work out as an extra £600 a year, which would cover all lifts. Bringing the total £1700 a year. Given the committee already ruled out the feasibility of keeping spare parts onsite, this approach is our only viable option. The view being that the monthly service visits will give early warning for any failing parts. JN pointed out that Revolution must ensure that the maintenance visits are actually carried out, are to a high standard, and Otis are held accountable for any failure that should have been spotted and been preventable. A stringent process is needed to ensure this is carried out and Revolution has confidence in the report Otis is providing. LC is going to check with Otis on what a report will contain, and make sure that meets Revolutions requirements. The committee will hold Revolution accountable should we have an outage that should have been preventable, and will be looking at these reports as evidence. JB raised a concern that the committee and residents are not aware of the process that Revolution have to ensure work is carried out, and to a high standard. Along with what level of recourse or actions it takes when fixes fail. JN gave examples of the lifts and the entrance doors. That issues remain unresolved for long periods of time, e.g. block b door unable to close fully in certain conditions (possibly sunlight related). LP stated that a safety sensor had failed on that door that picks up IR light (preventing the door closing when a person is present). JN stated that this has being going on for well over a year, and is the point being made. We should have more confidence that action is being taken swiftly, accurately documented, tested, and then signed off as complete or signed off as failed. There is a question of concern around costs incurred for failed or misdiagnosed issues, not to mention the increased time around security concerns or inconvenience of prolonged outage. JN raised an example of the CCTV system which was upgraded after a number incidents where we could not make out the face of the perpetrator. These were upgraded to ‘HD Cameras’ however on the recent bike store incident we could still not make out the face of the perpetrator. Revolution did not follow through on its duty to ensure the work carried out by its appointed contractor met the requirements and purpose of the of the upgrade. Revolution need a better process to ensure the work it is carrying out and charging us for meets the requirements of why the work is being carried out. Action – Revolution – Door Sensor and CCTV Quality JB suggests going forward Revolution should look at having an auditable track, showing what work is being carried out, and work being signed off. JN added that we should look at setting success criteria for bigger pieces of work, and ensure that has been met before closing. JB suggests bills are not paid until this process is complete. LC to take this feedback, and look at how the process could be improved. Action – Revolution LP advised on the door sensors being unique for our system and have instructed the maintenance company to get a stock of them in for future repairs to reduce lead times. JN suggested things do seem to be improving in the background slowly since our last meeting, however it has not come to fruition yet. Communication has been an issue, and JN suggested we try to link up better communication and transfer of information through one of our internal systems. We need to see the realisation of everything discussed so far on process improvement’s. In the short term Revolution can CC in the committee on emails on Action – Revolution LP stated Revolution has been reviewing security and the lifts had been highlighted as weak point. Revolution have asked Otis to review and have suggested fitting keypads. Quote received at £700 per lift. TL asked if it was possible to link this via Fob access, this would need further investigation. JN says we will have to take this away to discuss further. Introduces inconvenience of having to pick guests up, deliveries etc. Wouldn’t stop tailgating. Do benefits outweigh inconvenience? Action – Committee TL raised issue with the car park exit door. Even though the alarm was going off people were leaving it open. JB also reported this to Anand, with 2 other problems. This should be investigated as to why it’s not self-closing. Action – Revolution Letter to River and Canal Trust SS has composed a letter to the River and Canal Trust around litter and dog waste bins along the canal. Still awaiting a response. SS to update at the next meeting. – Action – SS Contact with Local Fire brigade PK not present to give update. Follow up next meeting Manchester Bee scoping JN attended the Auction, however the lowest winning bid £8000 which was out of our budget. For the more aesthetically pleasing Bees that we would have been interested in went for over £20,000. |
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Islington Wharf General 5a – Food Recycling Concerns persist in number of areas, where its located, cross contamination, costs of removal if this happens etc. The committee feel with the lack of support and flexibility from the council in this area, mixed with the inability for us to police this, and potential costs that we will have to remove this from consideration at this point. It will be re-added to the agenda in the future should circumstances change. LP advised the Caretaker had suggested he would be willing to advise people on Recycling when they pick parcels up, and ensure they understand what can and can’t be recycled in general. The staff have been up to the recycling centre for a tour and information day and can pass that information on. Committee happy for this to be done. Action – Revolution 5b – Council Engagement Katherine not present to give an update. Follow up at next meeting. Action – Katherine |
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Revolution monthly report: No comments |
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Phase 3: 7a – Security of Gap James has sent an email to Annand to challenge waterside places on our behalf regarding fencing to be used. This should be both secure, robust and visually pleasing, fitting in with the current look of the building. Our preference would be something metal, given it will be a secluded area where someone would have as long as they want to break into/force entry. Action – Feedback from Annand 7b – Car Park Cleaning LC advised Waterside Places have again instructed Eric Wright to do a wet clean of the carpark. This will be an extensive clean. They are awaiting Eric Wright to provide a quotation, Revolution have also presented one. LC says she has only received a verbal agreement that this will happen, JN asked for this to be agreed in writing. TL said we need to be notified when this will happen so cars can be moved to ensure a full clean can be carried out. LC stated Revolution would be looking to give a 10 day notice period. LC to work TL to work together once a date is agreed to organise. JN asked what had been said about metal materials being found on the access road (screws and nails etc) LC says they are sweeping and inspecting the road daily, however was not good that we found a screw on the road prior to this meeting. LC to feed this back to Eric Wright. Action – Revolution |
8. |
Latent defects: 8a) Waterside Places update: JN gave an update on the current state of affairs. LoR had requested an extension on the consideration of information, which was granted by Waterside Places. They have until 2nd November to come back with a response before that deadline is breached. Currently I have received no update. Once a response is received this will be distributed to the Committee via Slack. Action – JN |
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AOB: 9a – Parcel Collection Colin is not in on Fridays and currently we pay a cleaning company to provide the service for the Friday evening collection 4-7pm. Do you want to continue with this, or would you like to save the money and remove the Friday evening collection slot? JN asked LC to send over the details/costs via email for the committee to weigh up and come to a decision. Action – Revolution 9b – Water Ingress TL highlighted the plight of residents who suffer from water ingress. Photo were passed around the group showing some of the worst cases. CJ stated one of her rooms is so bad it is now unusable as it causes health issues. Other residents have made similar health complaints, due to the damp and mould. CJ has had buckets in places for over 3 years. CJ has been told for years it was due to water ingress from the window frames, but recently was told it was coming from a leak on the balcony. This has ruined the walls, carpet, blinds wardrobe and Water Places have shockingly not given this the attention it deserves, despite it constantly being brought up. JN stated he has a similar issues caused by the window frame issues which has ruined blinds, wood flooring and electronics. Mould was a potential cause of cough. Total insensitivity, lack of interest and incompetence received on this matter from Waterside Places. Committee have asked Revolution to impress how serious this matter is to Waterside Places, and that we applying pressure to get this resolve ASAP. Committee happy to provide any evidence needed. A number of apartments include TL, CJ and at least 2 other resident’s apartments should be fixed if the leak on the penthouse balcony is addressed. Why has this not been solved? Resident Gemma’s ceiling collapsed last year, why has nothing been done? Action – Revolution 9c – Garden Residents Doug and James have offered to do some minor touch ups and planting in the garden to improve it for all. Committee agreed to pay for materials, and pass on thanks for the great work already done for free. |
Date & time next meeting. |
Thursday 6th December at 19.00hrs, Medical Centre. |