Home > Committee Minutes > Committee Minutes – 1st March 2018



        Islington Wharf Residents Association



Thursday, 1st March 2018 @ 19:00

Medical Centre

Date of Minutes

Sunday, 11th March 2018



Jonathan Isaacs (JI) – Chair

Paul Kelly (PK)

Wayne Langford (WL)

Anand Patel (AP) – Revolution

Ian Forrester (IF)

Laura Walker – Revolution


Katherine Harrison

Tracey Langford

James Needham

Susan Swientozielskyj


Susan Swientozielskyj

Next Meeting

Thursday, 5th April 2018

The contents of the minutes below are as taken by the minute taker. The Committee will confirm whether any amendments are required at the following meeting. Please refer to this set of minutes (when available) and read in conjunction with the section entitled ‘Minutes Last Meeting’ for any amendments (if applicable).


  • As above.


  • Accepted as a true record.



  • (i) Main Door Block B:
  • Residents in Block B have requested the main door opening is reverted back to push button operation and not left on automatic sensor. ACTION: REVOLUTION


  • (A) Box Hedging mockup; feedback from MCC and  City of Trees:
  • WL has connect AP with a lady called Jenny  who  has a mock-up ready for us to view. AP is arranging this to be delivered; it will be kept in the caretakers office and he will inform Committee members when it is available for viewing. ACTION: REVOLUTION

  • (B) Installation of motorbike parking rail:
  • the final detail of this has now been agreed and installation will take place within the next week.
  • Revolution to provide update at the next meeting ACTION: REVOLUTION

  • (C) Lighting in the lifts – provision of contractor quotes:
  • Installation of the improved lighting for in all lifts will commence on 12 March. No further action.
  • This matter can be closed.

  • (D) Phase 3 – dealing with the ‘gap’ – new build abutting carpark/garden – response from  Eric Wright:
  • AP has spoken with Steve  Rawlinson for Eric Wright construction and he has advised that when finished, it will feature gravel surfacing. However, as Committee members pointed out, this doesn’t actually answer the question on concerns that the gap could become a dumping ground for rubbish.
  • Committee members expressed that as a minimum they would expect the gap to be gated.
  • Furthermore, this led onto speculation about what is going to be done about the fencing around the garden as this was always intended to be a temporary measure that would be removed once the new structures were erected. Anand was asked to go back to Steve with this information and report back next meeting.
  • Revolution to provide update of when this will be completed by at next meeting


  • (E) Monthly report – breakdown of costs; identification of ‘general contact’ items:
  • In response to feedback on the last report, AP has tweaked the format so as to be able to run and provide a monthly as opposed to 3-monthly report. This revised format will be issued to Committee members in advance of the next meeting.
  • Revolution to confirm that this has been set up at the next meeting

  • (F) Electronic notice boards updating and updating procedures:
  • Log-ins are being provided by Revolution to Ian and other Committee members [as agreed] to enable the remote updating of the screen information. This will also ensure there is a log of who is doing what and when.
  • IW asked Committee members if they wanted their photograph to be published for which members were nonplussed. He will provide a draft for approval in the first instance. AP asked that Revolution also receive this so that they can update accordingly.
  • Revolution to confirm how committee can access/update the screens remotely at the next meeting/provide information to IF in advance.

  • (G) List of achievements of the Residents Committee for new members of Residents Association:
  • The discussion here  was in relation to potential new members for the  Residents Committee on the back of the LofA being published. One interested party has actually now moved out of IW; however, Sam Miruben and another resident named Sani remain interested.
  • It was suggested that they be asked to attend a future meeting as observers before making their final decision to join. The April meeting will be opened up for this.
  • IF to liaise with potential new committee members. ACTION: IF

  • (H) Revamp of the garden:
  • Repeat call-out to residents for their ideas/wishlist
  • Carry forward this action to next meeting.

  • (I) Fire Brigade Presentation:
  • IW has been trying unsuccessfully to find the contact details of the most appropriate person from our local fire brigade to do this. AP will send contact details to Ian

  • (J) Air BnB:
  • All residents were sent a recorded delivery letter about this although it was noted by Committee members that the Caretakers office seemed to have signed for most of these which kind of defeated the object?
  • Anand reassured the Committee that landlords had all been issued with this important letter for action with their tenants. No further action at this stage.
  • This matter can be closed.

  • (K) Water Ingress:
  • There is now a very pressing matter raised by the Committee in that conflicting information has been given regarding the fire retardant property of the rockwool insulation material after it has been exposed to water.
  • On the one hand, information has been given that the Rockwool insulation is not affected by water; however, Tracey has since contacted the manufacturer who stated the opposite, ie Rockwool loses its fire retardant properties when it comes into contact with water.
  • WL expressed his anxiety and highlighted to the Committee that with water pouring down 6 storeys from his apartment, and damaging the rockwool insulation, that fire could potentially jump the damaged barriers. Furthermore, despite Revolution sending a representative from Thompsons, no action has yet been taken to inspect the problem and he expressed that urgent action must be taken, especially as additional problems with Block A water ingress have recently come to light.
  • Wayne has since met with a company in Liverpool who are willing to take on the problem and also to advise/represent residents on being mis-sold their apartments in that what they thought they would get is not what they got!! WL provided his own personal example of this.
  • Revolution to advise of results of investigations

  • (L) Ken’s Replacement:
  • Anand reported that there were 3 very good candidates interviewed; Katherine and James sat on the interview panel.
  • An appointment has been made and he will have a handover with Ken prior to starting. In addition, and to allay induction concerns raised by the committee, Revolution has a database of information needed for the job and also, Ken has agreed to provide support if needed in the early weeks following his retirement.
  • The committee would like to thank Ken for his hard work and dedication towards the development and residents, and wish him well in the future.
  • This matter can be closed.

  • (M) Flickering Lights:
  • All agreed that the coloured strip lights be set to white for the time being. ACTION: REVOLUTION
  • On a separate issue, Ian raised concern about the poor lighting in the car park around the motorbike parking area, Anand reassured Ian that this is already being looked into and addressed.

  • (N) Car Park:
  • P reported back that he has  spoken with Eric Wright construction and they stated that they have been monitoring the issue from the outset with photographic evidence to prove that there has been no deterioration in the standard.
  • As such, Revolution will be providing a thorough clean of the whole car park (as far as car access will allow) in the next two weeks and it will then be for Eric Wright construction to maintain this.

  • (AOB1) Letterbox Plates:
  • Small issue raised by JI to Revolution re: the number plates on resident letterboxes still have the ISIS logo and can this be changed.
  • Revolution advised would look at associated costs.ACTION REVOLUTION

  • (AOB2) Use Of Drugs Around Development:
  • WL raised the issue about people taking drugs outside and within the vicinity of the building, pointing out that better lighting would help eradicate this. The poor lighting affecting the walkway to the canal was also flagged as an issue.  Revolution to investigate.

  • (AOB3) Commercial Unit
  • Question asked about progress re: the Commercial Unit  beneath Block B? Apparently the owners are finalising their plans. There was then some debate and speculation by the committee re: what could be achieved with this space especially if split into 3 or more units.

  • (AOB4) Parking On Pedestrian Way
  • WL again flagged the issue about cars parking on the pedestrian way in front of the commercial units of block A. AP commented that this is one of the issues James has included in his dialogue with the council on the prospect of planting trees in this area. There isn’t anything else to report at this stage.

  • (AOB5) Plant In Block B Reception
  • The issue regarding the dead plants in Block B foyer were flagged  to Revolution. There is no action point discussed or agreed.


  • (1) Heat Gain and Latent Defects
  • JI reported back that he has not yet received any dates from Waterside Places regarding the follow-up meeting for March. WL expressed his surprise that when he spoke with the contact person – Mike – he didn’t know anything about the latent defects affecting WL apartment.

  • (2) MP & Councillor Engagement
  • MP & Councillor engagement – JI reiterated that the issue regarding the water ingress/rockwool insulation/potential fire hazard has been included in a recent letter to the MP and also taken to a recent meeting by James and Katherine. On top of this the Committee fully agreed that Waterside Places must now take urgent action and an email was compiled by the Committee and sent at this meeting to the lead representative for  Waterside Places – Mike. Three key points were included:
  1. Islington Wharf residents need a letter from a director confirming that the rockwool insulation is not affected by water [ingress] and its fire retardant properties remain intact and giving his/her personal guarantee that this is so;
  2. By close of play next week, the water damaged rockwool will have been inspected by any  means possible;
  3. A report is provided on the outcome of this action to the Committee in 10 days so that the Committee can  allay the fears of residents. If no such report can be provided, the Committee will hold an emergency meeting to decide the next course of action.

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