Home > Committee Minutes > Committee Minutes – 2nd November 2017



        Islington Wharf Residents Association



Thursday, 2nd November 2017 @ 19:00

Medical Centre

Date of Minutes

Friday 10th November 2017



Linda Cox (LC) – Revolution

Jonathan Isaacs (JI) – Chair

Katherine Harrison (KH)

Susan Swientozielsjkyj (SS)

James Needham (JN)


Paul Kelly

Wayne Langford

Tracey Langford

Ian Forrester

Anand Patel (Revolution)


Susan Swientozielsjkyj

Next Meeting

Thursday, 7th December 2017

The contents of the minutes below are as taken by the minute taker. The Committee will confirm whether any amendments are required at the following meeting. Please refer to this set of minutes (when available) and read in conjunction with the section entitled ‘Minutes Last Meeting’ for any amendments (if applicable).


  • As above.


  • WL flagged an omission had been made in the minutes in that he raised the point  while in the subject of carpark,  that the application of 20  places to 30 applications should possibly done by drawing lots so as not to favour any individuals who had first hand knowledge  before  any other  applications. Revolution could not agree to this as they had set out a fair process with a deadline, which all applicants had met, and were proceeding with the sale/rental agreements.
  • All members present agreed  that this amendment to be made whilst LC confirmed that there had been 26 applications for the 20 places on offer. SS to amend the minutes and submit for re-circulation. Action SS.
  • With no other errors or amendments, and subject to the aforementioned correction, the minutes were accepted as a true record.



  • (1) Publication Of Minutes
  • A question was raised regarding the timeline for publication of the minutes,i.e. should they be published after  the meeting  to which they are submitted for sign off? Members present thought the process should stay as-is  in the interests of timeliness of information  being circulated to residents, as this keeps them up to date with relevant information and for which they can comment and submit questions to the Committee if they so wish. Process therefore to stay as is. No further action required.


  • (A) Ongoing Issues
  • The breakdown of information requested at the last meeting is still being prepared. Will be provided at next meeting.ACTION: REVOLUTION


  • (B) Plants:
  • Sourcing of suitable external plants/trees is an ongoing issue. JN  has agreed to assist in taking this action forward. ACTION: JN


  • (C) Motorbike parking:
  • Discussions are still ongoing as to the  most suitable area for motorbike parking. It is fully in the hands of Waterside Places and Revolution. The provision of motorbike parking spaces for sale is fraught with difficulties and looks like being a lost leader and therefore not an issue the Committee can deal with at this time. It is in the hands of Waterside Places who will update the Committee accordingly. In the meantime, Committee members present asked if an option would be to move the bicycle parking to the secure bike store and re-allocate the first floor bicycle space to motorbikes? JI  to speak with Waterside Places  parking manager to discuss options. ACTION: JI
  • (D) Lights In Car Park:
  • No further action. Remove from agenda.
  • (E) Short Term Rental:
  • No further action. Remove from agenda.


  • (F) Lifts:
  • Loose handles have been fixed. Re: lighting;  quotes have been supplied to install LED lighting in the lifts but the pricing point seems excessive at c£1300 per lift. LC to  review  with Anand Patel and report back at next meeting. ACTION: REVOLUTION
  • (G) Window Cleaning:
  • Has been completed. There were a few minor issues that had to be rectified but otherwise no problems. No further action. Remove from agenda.
  • (H) Use Of Companies That Have SLA Breakdown For On-Site Attendance:
  • Carried forward to next meeting.

  • (I) OOH Process And Use Of Committee Members For Triaging Faults:
  • At the last meeting, KH, IW and SS agreed to join JI  as persons willing to easy re-set of faults where this can be done, eg the roller shutter garage door. Further clarification of what’s in and out needs to be properly established and some sort of  training provided. ACTION: JI and REVOLUTION
  • (J) Release of CCTV Images:
  • (t remains unclear if CCTV images of people behaving badly can be used and shared as per previous discussions. Members  agreed it would be useful to  have this  cleared up and a process in place by Christmas. ACTION: REVOLUTION
  • (K) Main Doors:
  • There has been a breakdown in Block A  since last meeting and notices were not posted which became an issue. It is important that clear signage for access/egress is posted when doors are out of action. No further action. Remove from agenda.


  • (L) Disruption and Dirt:
  • Further discussions have taken place with Eric Wright  who have said they will ensure that the driveway and paths are cleaned  every time the site is open. No further action. Remove from agenda.
  • (M) Lamp Post Behind Barrier Out:
  • No further action. Remove from agenda.


  • (N) Handling of Noise Complaints:
  • An issue was recently flagged to the Committee by a resident who had experienced  a  problem with a noisy neighbour who objected to being given a note about the disturbance he had caused. There was quite the furore about it. Revolution has since confirmed that the action taken by the resident who was subjected to the noise  was a reasonable first action to take and will support others who are forced to take this action in the future.
  • Members asked if unreasonable behaviour by residents [tenants] should be reported to the landlord? LC said she would check that they would not be in breach of tenants rights.
  • There had been a problem with getting it to be set last month, to be sent this coming month. ACTION: REVOLUTION


  • (O) Electronic Noticeboards:
  • Remain out of action. Parts required to support the desired functionality are on order. Aiming to  have them in action within the month. ACTION: REVOLUTION, KH AND IF
  • (P) Access To Revolution Mailing List:
  • Action is ongoing. ACTION: JI AND REVOLUTION
  • Post meeting note:  the action is now complete and all those who sign up for Revolution will now be automatically signposted to join the Residents Association. No further action. Remove from agenda.


  • (Q) Revamp:
  • Is an outstanding action from the last meeting. JN suggested it would be better to wait until the new build has been done before embarking on this project to ensure the right design is secured and also with  investment from Waterside Places as  part of the overall works. No further action at this time.


  • (R) Commercial Unit
  • No further action. Remove from agenda.
  • (S) Other Construction Projects:
  • A resident has requested if it is possible to get updates from the construction unit of the Oxygen building, similar to those we are currently getting from Eric Wright. There is notable disruption from the Oxygen project, especially to those living in Block A, most notable noise and dirt. LC to discuss with Anand Patel re: best way forward. Feedback next meeting. ACTION: REVOLUTION


  • (T) Towel Dispenser
  • This action was noted as complete at the last meeting but the bin has yet to be provided.  ACTION: REVOLUTION
  • Revolution to send out email to all those in Block B advising them of paper towels and encouraging these to be used to mop up spillages. ACTION: REVOLUTION
  • (U) Parking Outside Shops:
  • Carried forward to next meeting.


  • (V) Heat Gain and Latent Defects
  • Meeting with Waterside Places and Committee to take place on the 30th November, agenda to be provided by Waterside Places one week prior to meeting.
  • Waterside Places has asked for more residents to allow them to review issues within the apartments in relation to heat gain and water ingress, in order to get a more full picture of the issues.  Action is ongoing.
  • (W) MP and Councillor Engagement
  • No Update


  • Non

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