Home > Committee Minutes > Committee Minutes – 3rd December 2015


James Needham (Chair): JN
Wayne Langford: WL
Jonathan Isaacs: JI
Katherine Harrison: KH

Apologies: Steve Day, Sharon Day, Paul Kelley, Sharon Walsh, Steve Walsh, Tracey Langford, Ian Forrester


  • Website design underway. Once up and running, residents will be able to receive notifications of when minutes are published online, and sign up to other relevant e-mail alerts.
  • JN was receiving a key from a previous committee member to pass on to JI to ensure that printed copies could be put in the notice boards.

Points of Action:

  • Residence to forward pictures/details of trades people to JI
    • Residents
    • 01/01/16
  • Committee to provide feedback on website
    • Committee
    • 31/01/16
  • JN to give noticeboard key to JI to ensure minutes are put up.
    • JN
    • 18/12/15


  • Since the last meeting Ben Amponsah resigned from the committee. The committee would like to wish him well and thank him for his input.
  • It was discussed that it could be useful to get new members on the committee with different skill sets.
  • The committee is looking for those who can attend at least one in every three meetings called and are able to send their apologies 24 hours prior to missing a meeting.
  • All meetings are held in the doctors surgery, and are every second Tuesday/Thursday. Next year meetings are currently
    scheduled for:

    • Tuesday, 5th January 2016
    • Thursday, 6th February 2016
    • Tuesday, 1st March 2016
    • Thursday, 7th April 2016
    • Tuesday, 3rd May 2016
    • Thursday, 2nd June 2016
    • Tuesday, 5th July 2016
    • Thursday, 4th August, 2016
    • Tuesday, 6th September 2016
    • Thursday, 6th October 2016
    • Tuesday, 1st November 2016
    • Thursday, 1st December 2016
  • If you are interested in joining the committee, please email committee@islingtonwharf.com. Please note, to ensure our committee is able to continue the work we have done, and improve upon it in 2016, we welcome applications from those who are able to attend at least 1 in every 3 meetings.
  • To ensure transparency of committee meetings, each members attendance at meetings is as follows:
    • Sharon Day: 1 out of 8
    • Steve Day: 0 out of 8
    • Ian Forrester: 5 out of 8
    • Katherine Harrison: 5 out of 8
    • Jonathan Isaacs: 8 out of 8
    • Paul Kelly: 2 out of 8
    • Tracey Langford: 5 out of 8
    • Wayne Langford: 4 out of 8
    • James Needham: 7 out of 8
    • Steve Swientozielskyj: 0 out of 8
    • Sharon Walsh: 0 out of 8
    • Steve Walsh: 0 out of 8
  • The committee would like to take the time to wish all residents and their families a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy

Points of Action:

  • Non