Islington Wharf Residents Association
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4 October 2018
Attendees: | Linda Cox                    (LC) Revolution Ian Forrester                  (IF) Tim Gardner                  (TG) Jonathan Isaacs              (JI) Sana Khan                      (SK) Tracey Langford            (TL) James Needham           (JN) Chair Anand Patel                  (AP) Revolution Lee Pratt                         (LP) Revolution Susan Swientozielskyj    (SS) |
Apologies: | Katherine Harrison, Claire Johnson, Paul Kelly, Sam Niruben. |
Agenda item: | |
3. | Minutes of last meeting:
A couple of amendments flagged from IF and SS for previous action items 5b and 5f which had been incorrectly reported. 5b) IF had informed LC that he would tell motorbike owners to contact Revolution directly if they had any issue; 5f) SS confirmed that she had completed her action and the information re: moth traps had been sent for AP attention via Laura Walker on 24 August. SS also asked how the Plastics Information had been circulated as there was no evidence of this. AP asked for another copy for Revolution to issue and IF asked for an update he can prepare for the screens. Further action SS. No other amendments and subject to the adjustments, the minutes accepted as a true record. |
4. | Actions from last meeting:
JN had provided a full list to AP in advance of the meeting which had been very helpful. Updates as follows: 5a) Nails in tyres: IW onsite caretaker is now doing daily walks of the car park to check for these and just today, JN reported he had found another. After further discussion, members felt that Eric Wright were not responding properly to this and other issues flagged and it was therefore agreed that AP would raise our concerns with Considerate Construction. Ongoing action AP. 5b) Motorbike rail: this has now been installed. Action complete. 10a) Clothes bin: has been emptied and onsite staff now have the contact number to use to call for a collection if the bin is overflowing. Action complete. 5a) Rockwool: Revolution is awaiting further instruction re: date for repeat inspection from the Committee who agreed to wait for bad weather before undertaking this. Ongoing Action JN. 5b) Food recycling: Revolution are going to send out a survey to residents to see if people want this. The Committee discussed the pros and cons of doing food recycling and decided not to go for a trial bin at this time but remain interested in options. Update next meeting. In addition JN continues to push back to the Council on the number of wastebins provided based on the number of 2,3 & 4 bedroom homes here at IW. Hopefully this will result in the provision of an extra 2-3 waste bins and on top of this, he is also negotiating for 2 more to cover the fact that there is always 2 bins that have to be kept in the bin room to cover residents needs on bin collection days. Ongoing action JN. 5d) Office leak: action complete. The leak came from Apartment 25. Insurance claim has been submitted and the office will be repainted and recarpeted. 5f) Lift parts: AP has now been given the list of the parts that have failed most. These are car push buttons, landing push buttons, indicators, car top board, main controller board, landing and car door hanger rollers, door drive belt, landing and car door air chord, and the main drive unit. The total cost at todays prices is £6550 + VAT. the most expensive part being the main drive unit at £3300 + VAT. Most importantly, this item requires specific storage conditions. The Committee discussed this agenda item at length as buying these parts in does not offer any guarantee against breakdown and repair and they could in effect sit there unused. The main drive unit, if stored incorrectly could also be rendered unusable as they have a 7 year lifecycle.. The current service contract with Otis is for a service inspection every 3 months. Taking a more pragmatic and balanced view, it was agreed that for Block A, the service inspection contract should be changed to monthly as this would be a better use of funds. AP will make the necessary arrangements. Ongoing action Revolution. 7a) Phase 2 gap: the plans for the proposed solution were circulated via Slack but essentially, the material proposed is wood which would also be used for the car park fencing – Siberian Larch. These proposals were rejected outright by the Committee as all present felt strongly that another wooden solution would not provide the deterrent and security needed. AP was asked to report back to Eric Wright that the Committee want metal fencing to be put in place. Ongoing action Revolution. 7b) Car park fencing: see 7a above. 7c) Car park cleaning: AP reported back that cleaning has started by the builders but not to the standard expected and this has been fed back to the development director – Andy Barton, for further action. Committee members expressed their ongoing disappointment. It has been muted that Revolution will organised the deep wet clean and bill the developer for it if nothing changes. Ongoing action Revolution. 9b) Ground rent: Revolution have set up a reminder on the ‘my revolution’ website to email owners in Nov/Dec to pay their ground rent. Action complete. 9c) Unit 7 works: the first and key issue flagged with this development was the unacceptable level of noise created by the works. It transpired that although building regulation approval for the works had been granted, landlord approval had not. Waterside Places met with the owners on the same day the issue occurred to get a resolution for reducing the noise and Revolution set about getting a copy of the project plan which has now been provided. They will circulate this to the Committee. However, since then, there have been other issues including the use of epoxy resin that filled the building with highly noxious fumes that travelled as far as the 20th floor, and also inconsiderate parking of works vehicles that have on occasion almost blocked the front entrance to Block B. This is showing a pattern of inconsiderate practice and the Committee requested that AP take this up with the developer and the Council to ensure things improve. Ongoing action Revolution. 9d) Fly trap (bin store): replacements have been installed and are working. Action complete. 10a) Security: sign off for the additional magnetic locks to the car park doors was given and these have since been installed. Increasing security features for the main front doors is an ongoing action. Action is partially complete. |
5. | Islington Wharf General:
5a) Rockwool update – covered in action point above. 5b) Food recycling – covered in action point above. 5c) Garden revamp – despite every effort by IF to get an update from Sam, there continues to be no news or progress. The Committee will take this action back and SK and TL agreed to lead. Action SK/TL. 5d) Councillor engagement – no update this month. SS asked if we should ask our councillors to look into the possibility of increasing the number of waste bins and also bins for dog waste along our stretch (Ancoats and New Islington) of the Ashton and Rochdale Canals. Having recently done a volunteer clean up day with the Ancoats Canal Project team, it was an eye opener as to the actual degree of rubbish dropped and dog waste bags hidden in undergrowth. JN highlighted that anything to do with the canals and towpaths is actually the domain of the Rivers and Canal Trust. SS agreed to write to them and see what, if anything, can be done. Action SS. |
6. | Revolution monthly report: this was not covered in the meeting as there is more thought needed as to what information is useful and informative for residents. Members to review and feed back any thoughts to JN who will then pick up with AP. Action all. |
7. | Phase 3:
All items are covered in the action points in item no. 4. |
8. | Latent defects:
8a) Waterside Places update: there is still no date set with WP who are of the opinion there is nothing to discuss until Laing O’Rourke respond. However, members of the Committee think time is slipping and that we should arrange a closed meeting with them asap to discuss the ongoing issues in person etc. Following this, there should perhaps be an open meeting with residents. JN to organise. Action JN. 8b)Air cooling units: JN fedback that he had met with AP and Honeywell (unit supplier) to try the unit in his apartment. Although it did cool the apartment, the unit is very big (approx the size of a regular automatic washing machine), and very noisy. It wouldn’t fit in the bedroom and was simply too big for his apartment. TG fedback that he has the smaller unit which apart from being noisy, the water that has to be put into the cooling unit runs out rapidly. Overall, the Committee do not think these units are a viable option for the future and although not so much a problem now as we go into the winter months, a better solution will be needed for next summer. Action – agenda item for March/April 2019. |
9. | Questions from residents:
9a) Fire safety visit: currently these are only available to schools. However, Paul Kelly has a contact in the local (Ancoats) Fire Brigade which he will pursue. Action PK. 9b) Refunds from Braemar: nothing further to report. Action complete. 9c) Construction of the retail unit: see information provided at 9c, agenda item no. 4. 9d) Purchase of a Manchester Bee: JN put a callout to residents via Facebook and there is overwhelming support for this. There is of course the practicalities of which one to bid for as well as raising funds for the purchase, etc. JN to lead on this item. Action JN. Â Â |
10. | AOB:
Date & time next meeting. | Thursday 1 November at 19.00hrs, Medical Centre. |