Islington Wharf Residents Association
Meeting |
Tuesday, 4th October 2016 |
19:00 |
Medical Centre |
Date of Minutes |
Wednesday, 5th October 2016 |
Attendees |
Katherine Harrison Anand Patel (Revolution) James Needham (Chair) Wayne Langford Paul Kelly |
Apologies |
Jonathan Isaacs Ian Forrester Tracey Langford |
Minutes |
Katherine Harrison |
Next Meeting |
Tuesday, 1st November 2016 |
Agenda Topics
- As above
- Accepted as a true record.
- Fire Alarm:
- A metal box containing floor plans and visit log sheets is to be installed next to the main entrances for the use of the emergency services. Quotations for plastic covers to be installed over fire call points (to prevent residents activating them accidentally) has been obtained by Revolution but subsequently advice has been given that the call points themselves are not necessary since the buildings’ smoke detector system will identify fire automatically. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Glass Shattering:
- Revolution has agreed and implemented a process to follow in the event that glass smashes and falls to the ground in future. Boarding and a cordon to block off an area is now kept on site as high-access companies are not always immediately available or adverse weather conditions may prevent them from remedial action straight away. Revolution’s out-of-hours call centre has been made aware of the procedures to be initiated. Vivid Lounge staff is also aware of the need to coordinate with Revolution. Revolution investigated the option of having a contractor on an emergency response stand-by footing at all times but this was not successful as companies do not offer this service. In the past there had been long delays in getting broken glazing replaced because a minimum order for new glass was required. Revolution is currently investigating options for keeping some glass in stock with a supplier but there are complications given the diversity of glazing in the building. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Electronic Noticeboards:
- A USB option was agreed. Costs are to be finalised. It is also necessary to gain the permission of the building owner (GRIF) via its agent (Braemar Estates) regarding installing electronic notice boards in the lobby areas. Â ACTION: REVOLUTION.
- Fire Exit Signs:
- New, more aesthetically pleasing metal fire exit signage for the main entrance areas was agreed to better complement the new decoration. There will be four such signs. Costs were agreed. Revolution will process the order. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Decoration:
- The full-length wall edge protectors around the lifts have now been installed in both blocks. The contractors are to return to site to make repairs related to the decoration, such as touching up the paintwork. New flooring for the lifts was discussed. WL offered to provide some samples of potential materials. AP will also provide samples and leave these with the caretakers for the Committee to view. ACTION: WL & REVOLUTION
- Garden:
- The decking in the garden area is to be jet-washed next week. The Committee requested that the ‘Islington Wharf’ signage on the wall on Great Ancoats Street also be jet-washed at the same time. Replacement light bulbs were requested for security lights around the exterior of the buildings as the nights are drawing in. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Bike Store:
- The new bike store in the car park is now complete and will be advertised as open for use by residents. There will be a £10.00 p.a. charge for each bike space. The bike store is accessible by a fob and contains allocated bays. One bike may be stored per space. The spaces will be distributed on a first come, first served basis to be organised by Revolution. It was agreed that if any resident with a registered bike space moves out of the building, fob access to the bike store will be cancelled for all residents of that apartment to prevent additional or former residents from sub-letting bike spaces. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Motorbike Parking:
- IF’s idea about converting the former bike parking space into secure parking for motorbikes was discussed. Revolution is looking into this and agreed to investigate where potential space in the car park lies. Revolution will liaise with IF regarding a walk-about to identify space in the first instance prior to costings and obtaining the relevant permissions. ACTION: REVOLUTION & IF.
- Lift In Block B
- It was reported that the right-hand lift was making an odd sound on the higher floors and could be catching on something. Revolution has arranged for contractors to look into this and will organise remedial works as necessary. ACTION: REVOLUTION.
- Plant Maintenance:
- New base water trays are being supplied for all plants throughout the communal areas in the buildings.
- Individual Boiler Maintenance:
- Two separate companies have provided quotations to Revolution for sweeping the whole building to inspect individual apartment’s boilers. The costs for this service will be recovered from the service charge. Once confirmed, this general inspection will take place on an annual basis for all apartments. The service is likely to be expensive and access will by appointment with residents. Further information will be reported by Revolution at the next meeting. ACTION: REVOLUTION.
- Summary Of Incidents:
- The Committee requested that, in light of the recent occurrences of thefts from the bike store, boiler issues, failures of the glazing and other matters, Revolution provide a formal summary of any incidents within the buildings to the Committee on a regular basis. This was agreed. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Carpets On 17th Floor:
- These have been cleaned and residents are happy with the quality of the work. Carpet cleaning throughout building will be scheduled as a regular job in future by Revolution. ACTION: Revolution
- Access To 17th Floor:
- A coded access lock for the 17th floor stairwell was requested and agreed. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Water Ingress:
- Water ingress and thermal gain: there was nothing new to report on these issues as the Committee and residents are waiting to hear more from Waterside Places and Laing O’Rourke. As usual, the situation will be monitored by the Committee and correspondence with Waterside Places initiated again if the delay continues for too long. ACTION: COMMITTEE
- Tap Water In Apartments:
- JN reported that the tap water in his apartment tastes odd and enquired if this was a general issue in the apartments. AP confirmed that the water cisterns are maintained on a regular basis. The Committee agreed to check their water and email JN with information if appropriate. ACTION: COMMITTEE
- Drain Blockage:
- WL reported that there was a possible drain blockage in the garden area. AP agreed to check into this. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Security:
- It was reported that there had been a spate of thefts of bikes and motorbikes from within the car park perpetrated by thieves with fobs. Residents had reported this to the police and CCTV footage confirmed the offenders’ fob access. Revolution has investigated the possibility of a new fob access system for the car park, which will record a log of people coming in and out. This will link to the caretakers’ computer and enable Revolution to identify who the fobs implicated in thefts belong to. Quotes for this system are to be received in a week or so. It was discussed whether the current fobs could be reprogrammed in the meantime to enhance security but Revolution explained that this will take a comparable amount of time to agreeing and installing the new fob system. Further information will follow at the next meeting. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Dishwasher Plumbing:
- Dishwasher plumbing: KH reported that she had been informed by a plumber that her dishwasher was incorrectly plumbed into the hot water feed in her apartment, rather than the cold water feed. This had implications for the functionality of the appliance as well as the unnecessary costs of hot water. KH had canvassed residents on Facebook and several others had reported the same problem. JN reported that his dishwasher frequently displayed problems linked to the thermostat, which might be related. The Baumatic dishwashers installed in apartments originally are specifically not to be plumbed into the hot water feed (this is stated in the installation manual supplied to apartments). KH had requested that this be reported to Waterside Places and information sought from them as to the reasoning behind this plumbing decision and whether or not it was general throughout all of the apartments. Revolution reported that they had followed this up with Waterside Places and had received a response, which would be forwarded to KH. KH to review the response and report back to the Committee regarding the need for any further action. ACTION: REVOLUTION & KH.
- Bathroom Electrics:
- Bathroom electrics: A resident had reported via Facebook that the lighting in his apartment’s bathroom was not waterproof. It was confirmed that electric fittings in bathrooms should be IP rated; however, it was possible that the apartment’s previous owner could have altered the light fittings as, in general, light-fittings in bathrooms in the buildings were thought to be compliant. Revolution has referred the matter to Waterside Places and is awaiting a response. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Air B&B:
- Several adverts on the Air B&B website had been identified by residents and the Committee and reported to Revolution. PK had identified adverts with photos for three identical apartments for short-term let on the site. Additionally, there had been an increase in the number of complaints made by residents to Revolution regarding noise and nuisance from neighbouring apartments thought to be short-term Air B&B-type lets. Revolution confirmed that they monitor these adverts to see if they can identify the apartments. If so, the owners are contacted and reminded of the terms of the leasehold. Sub-letting by tenants is prohibited under tenancy agreements in the buildings but the Committee was uncertain whether owner-occupiers were prohibited from letting out rooms in their apartments short-term while they were in residence. Revolution agreed to check on this and report back. In the meantime, residents who are concerned about possible Air B&B tenants can send the details to Revolution. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Parking Tickets:
- Several residents had reported inappropriate penalty tickets being applied to their vehicles when they were parked in their own spaces. Other residents had reported overly zealous ticketing for ‘offenses’ such as parking slightly over the lines of their spaces. It was confirmed that ticketing is only to be applied on request by Revolution when issues arise and the contractor is called out. No such requests have been made recently. Revolution agreed to restate the call out-only basis of the arrangement to the contractor. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Window Cleaning:
- Window cleaning: JI had requested dates for window cleaning before Christmas. Dates were currently being discussed with the contractor. It was confirmed that protective sheeting should to be used on glass balconies to prevent damage. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Building Control & Council:
- The local councillor, Emma Taylor, had responded to JI following correspondence related to the glass that fell out of the building from the 19th floor onto the ground below. Councillor Taylor had liaised with Building Control who had conducted an investigation, though it was unclear whether Building Control had visited the site and from where they were obtaining their detailed information. Certain details of the text from Building Control forwarded to JI by Councillor Taylor were incorrect, such as the opinion that the glass fell in tiny pieces, which was not the case (it was confirmed by several eye-witnesses that the glass hit the roof below and the ground in large chunks of approximately 600mm x 600mm). A discussion took place on how to respond to Councillor Taylor to both thank her for her intervention and also to ensure that the correct information regarding the falling glass and the serious dangers it presented were communicated. PK agreed to read the correspondence and liaise with KH regarding the details of the response, which KH would then write and send. ACTION: KH & PK.
- Public Urination:
- Public urination: the Committee discussed the repeated occurrence of public urination by the canal wall by members of the public attending events at the Etihad stadium. Prior to a recent football match, Greater Manchester Police had corralled a group of away fans on Great Ancoats Street but had stood by while myriad fans urinated against the wall; indeed, the police appeared to be directing the fans to do so. People urinating could be seen quite clearly from the windows of apartments in Islington Wharf. This was agreed to be a public nuisance, a health and safety issue and, potentially, an indecency offence. JL agreed to write to MCFU, Greater Manchester Police and the Council to complain about this behaviour. ACTION: JL on behalf of the Committee.
- There were no matters arising.