Katherine Harrison: KH
Jonathan Isaacs: JI
Paul Kelly: PK
James Needham: JN
Tracey Langford TL
Susan Swientozielskyj: SS
Apologies: Steve Day, Sharon Day, Wayne Langford, Ian Forrester, Susan Swientozielskyj
- After discussing the flat numbers it was decided that rather than spend £3,000 replace them to a different colour, they would be kept, as some residents preferred this look.
- The committee did note however that some of the numbers still remained to be not straight and requested that Revolution conducted a site visit to ensure that all numbers were correctly installed, and put right at no cost to the association. ACTION: REVOLUTION.
- In terms of signage the committee decided:
- Option 1, in the silver option for entrance signage.
- Floor signage was not appropriate given the space, and requested that the designers look at create something in line with the space available (above the button between the lifts)
- The numbering on the floors is not required.
- Wayfinding signs/other are to be in the same style of the silver ones.
- The committee requested a sample of the silver powder coated aluminium and lettering to view before putting the order in. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- There is one plant which is dying on floor 10. Given that this is the only plant that is in this condition, it was concluded that this was not down to environmental factors as all plants would be in a similar way. Committee suggests that this plant simply was not ‘defective’ and requests that it is replaced under warranty. ACTION: REVOLUTION.
- When the plants were delivered, they were originally bolted to the wrong location. This has since been patched, however the white filler has not been painted. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- The lighting for both lobby’s had been delivered and would be installed as soon as scaffolding had been sorted.
- The majority of points were completed, and its hoped that the website can be live before the next meeting. ACTION: JI
- Outstanding ‘committee members profiles’ need to be sent before the next meeting: ACTION: PK, JN, TL, WL, SS, IF
- Once the website was live, residents could upload recommended trades people, as well as have local trades approached.
- Revolution had been in discussion with the resident who was suffering water retention in her garden.
- No update.
- Revolution to have update at next meeting: ACTION: REVOLUTION
- No update.
- Revolution to have update at next meeting: ACTION: REVOLUTION
- No update.
- Revolution to have update at next meeting: ACTION: REVOLUTION
- As ISIS/Muse had not responded to the latest letter, the date had not been set.
- It was decided that in order not to ambush ISIS/Muse, that a set of questions would be provided in advance. This would have the benefit of having answers available, and ISIS/Muse having time to investigate them, rather than claim that they don’t have the information to hand. Paul and James agreed to draw up a list of questions. ACTION: JN & PK
- In order to assist the lawyer, and residents, James would draw up a 1 page timeline of events to this current state. ACTION: JN
- The committee had found copies of all insurance certificates, and building specifications required. Paul would be looking at the solar properties to ascertain whether the windows that were fitted were fit for purpose. ACTION: PK
- In order to get a better understanding of those who were affected, Jonathan would send out a survey, and ask Revolution to distribute. ACTION: JI
- Tracy suggested that to help fund the solicitors fees, that each member of the committee should put £100 towards the costs. This was agreed. Tracy to send out details for transfer. ACTION: ALL
- The committee also requests that Revolution investigate whether or not the service charge can be used for legal advice. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Tracy was to speak to the lawyer to advise a date when he could be met in order to provide initial advice of action. ACTION: TL
- Insurance:
- Following points raised on Facebook, it was discovered that the insurance excess had increased to £2,500.
- The committee wanted clarification as to what this excess covers, was it the water ingress, or was it all water related issues.
- The committee requested clarification on the above, and also provide a list of all insurance claims made. ACTION: REVOLUTION.
- Legally Recognised Association:
- As the committee is not legally formed, ISIS/Muse could in theory not agree with the wishes of the residents.
- In order to be legally formed, more than 50% of the apartments need to be members, and a nominal fee must be charged.
- It was agreed that once the website was up, a raffle would be set up for those who sign up with a certain period of time, as well as those being asked to sign up in reception areas of the building.
- Window Cleaning:
- To ensure that the windows are cleaned more regularly than last year, the committee requests that the dates of which the windows are intended to be cleaned this year are made available ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Hot Water:
- There remains concerns that the administration element of the hot water bill remains at more than £18,000 per year in total.
- The committee re-requests that a detailed account of where this is spent is provided by the next meeting. ACTION: REVOLTION