Home > Committee Minutes > Committee Minutes – 7th July 2015

James Needham (Chair): JN
Tracey Langford (Vice Chair): TL
Katherine Harrison: KH
Ian Forrester: IF
Ben Amponsah: BA
Jonathan Isaacs: JI

Apologies: Steve Day, Sharon Day, Wayne Lanford, Paul Kelley, Sharon Walsh, Steve Walsh


  • JN Had a meeting with Lang O Rauke last week.
    • There is a further meeting on Thursday, which will outline the plans, the timelines for resolving the meeting long term. Discussed
      if it could have a more formal presentation, this date will be released on the Thursday, plan to do it one evening or one Saturday
  • Air Conditioning Units
    • Emails had been sent out to around 80 apartments who was believed were affected. It was noted that quite a few apartments were missed off.
    • JN was to speak to Revolution and ensure that the email was sent out to everyone.
    • Anyone who feels they do have a heat problem, can still have an AC unit, but it will be on condition that there are testing in the apartments.
    • Steve suggested that we should publicise the fact that the residence association helped get this a success.

Points of Action:

  • Obtain designs of proposed window redesigns
    • JN
    • Next Meeting
  • Obtain schedule of works
    • JN
    • Next Meeting


  • JN didn’t have a full response to this, only that they have built a frame in a warehouse, they are going to pressure blast that with different amounts of water from different angles to see if there is a design fault.

Points of Action:

  • Non


  • JN spoke to Revolution regarding the broken windows, they advised that they are going to be replaced, however no timescales had been given as yet.
  • With regards to the updating of cameras, and installing new cameras, any additional work that would be required inside would take place prior to any decorations to avoid damages.
  • Revolution had been asked to price up a separate secure bike shed that could be used by residence. The cost of use would be discussed once the cost of the bike shed was known.

Points of Action:

  • Provide update as to possible security enhancements, and timescales
    • JN
    • Next Meeting


  • JI had put up a holding page on the current website, with designs to be looked at and shortlisted to show to the committee.
  • JN had created an email address committee@islingtonwharf.com which would reach all members.

Points of Action:

  • KH to update content
    • KH
    • Following Redesign
  • JI to present short list of designs to committee
    • JI
    • 01/09/15


  • The committee discussed new signage and what it would entail. The suggestions were:
    • The boards outside the lifts were removed, and replaced with a fixture detailing which apartments were on what floors.
    • Boards inside the lifts would contain updated information.

Points of Action:

  • Speak to Revolution about ensuring old notices remain removed, and only
    relevant information is kept up

    • TBC
    • Next Meeting


  • TL met with an interior designer to collect some ideas, further meetings are to continue.
  • JN and TL advised that the brief to resolution was that it needed to be in-keeping with the building and make it stand out.
  • The initial idea was to put image ‘wraps’ around the lift stacks on each floor, as well as include some greenery back into the foyer areas.
  • No deadline has been set due to the committee wanting to ensure that Revolution would get it right.

Points of Action:

  • Non


  • Meeting locations to be fixed at the doctors surgery from now on. IF agreed to book the venue. To ensure the booking was made, this would be circulated to members prior to the meeting taking place.

Points of Action:

  • Book doctors surgery meeting room and send confirmation to committee members.
    • IF
    • Next Meeting
  • Publish minutes to Facebook Group
    • JI
    • No more than 10 days after meeting.


  • BBQ:
    • JN had picked out the design for the BBQ, they should be going out in the next month or so.
  • Sign in lift:
    • Pricing and designs were awaiting to be received.
  • Toilets:
    • It was reported that toilets in several apartments were running.
    • JN was to raise this with ISIS as it could be a latency issue, as parts such as this could be expected to last more than 5 years.
    • JN suggested that either Ken or Collin could be trained up to look at smaller issues such as this.
    • TL suggested that if this was not possible we look to ‘book out’ a plumber for the day where he looks at all affected apartments.
  • Printing & Photocopying:
    • Although the majority of communications would take place via email/Facebook/Website, the committee recognised the need for
      printed announcements for noticeboards and those who are not able to view announcements by other means.
    • The approximate cost is to be looked at and budgeted accordingly for next year.

Points of Action:

  • Non