Ian Forrester (IF)
Jonathan Isaacs (JI)
Katherine Harrison (KH)
Paul Kelly (PK)
Wayne Langford (WL)
James Needham (JN)
Anand Patel (Revolution)
Paul Spence (Revolution)
Apologies: Tracey Langford, Suzan Swientozielskj
- First meeting of the Residents Committee since the meeting with ISIS which was a useful meeting and since then we have emailed back and forth for information and were under the impression they would provide this which has turned out not to be the case; they have refused to provide the Arup report and other key information, including the Laing O’Rourke report in relation to the correct specification of the glass provided and fitted to the apartments. In particular it is important to have this in order for it to be independently verified with regard to the testing of the glass rating. In addition, we have now had further information from Revolution regarding the other latent defects from which we will draft a letter for Zurich Insurance and send to Paul which he will review and then either send it to Zurich on our behalf or we will get other residents to sign it and we will send. It will include the heat gain along with other issues that have been paid for out of the sinking fund and which needs to be claimed back. There will be a cost for Paul to do the letter of around £200. Committee members will need to fund this as there is no other source of funding. Perhaps we could claim it back at the end.
- After the meeting today we have arranged to meet with a mechanical engineer who has agreed to review the data.·
- Of interest, we have ascertained that the costs of correcting the issues in the Mews building is upwards of £13m.
- Further discussion then held on making sure that every landlord is fully appraised of the current issues and the ways and means of finding out who they all are. WL suggested contacting the land registry for this information, it costs c£2 per apartment. Revolution would need to see the letter before it is sent. ACTION: WL
- Committee would also request Revolution to send out email to Landlords about the facts and importance of registering with the committee. Revolution requested that this is kept to facts and offers as little areas for dispute as possible. ACTION: JI & REVOLUTION
- Â We have previously discussed sending out a repeat survey to residents to find out what skills people have that the Committee can use, and also we currently have 2 vacancies on the Committee.
- Committee to send out survey requesting information on residents, view on apartments, Revolution, Committee, ISIS et al. ACTION: JI
- We are in the process of organising a residents BBQ which will have free food and drinks. All residents will be invited and those who are not members of the RA can sign up on the day for the fee of £10.
- Jonathan will send a link for members to agree a suitable date and after the new BBQs have been fitted. This will not be a singular event, plan is to do a series of BBQs. ACTION: JI
- Currently there are 50 residents signed up but not all members of the Residents Committee have signed up as yet.
- Volunteers please for another push, eg table outside with information etc.
- This includes owners as well as tenants as some have paid. We should speak to landlords about this as well as another push on the commercial units.
- Still a few items outstanding namely the CCTV for the lifts; Revolution confirmed the costs for this will be in excess of £7k for all four lifts. In terms of the cost vs benefit, Committee members asked to consider the value of this; suggested put to the residents and take a vote. IF asked for an estimate of having the CCTV on each floor outside the lifts also.
- JN asked Revolution about the problem with the right hand lift in Block B which, having gone through the issues logs is the lift that breaks down the most. Revolution reported that the engineers say breakdown is caused by resident misuse. Revolution agreed to discuss with Schindler. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Discussion held about how to charge those found damaging the lifts or other fabric of the building including point raised by JI regarding applying a penalty fee on top; this was generally considered a contentious area. Revolution confirmed that residents are caught and charged with damage they do pay up on the costs of repair.
- Is live and just waiting for the right time to turn it on. Revolution will start on the letters this week and then send them around. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Several residents had raised concerns over dogs being walked in the communal garden. Revolution confirmed that at no point should dogs be walked in the communal garden, and should be on leads throughout all communal areas.
- It was discussed that some those who are on short term leases may think they only need to get permission from their immediate landlord, and not from Braemar Estates via Revolution. Revolution agreed to clarify this point by email. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Order has now gone in for the signage and the installation date is Friday 24 June 2016.
- Plastic bins in the lobbies will be removed once the signage for the new bins is in place.
- There will also be a modification to the front doors which will improve the look and negate the need for the alert signs “automatic doorâ€.
- Damaged wall in Block B still needs to be sorted. JI suggested waiting until after the new signage has been fitted just in case additional work needs to be done and then it can all be done at the same time. Revolution agreed with this approach.
- Plants – planters are leaking and plants are dying. Revolution have taken this up with the supplier who has agreed to replace and sort. Likely that the planters will have to sit in a tray rather than be replaced.
- New ceiling lighting for the floors will commence installation this week.
- Notice boards – the electronic notice boards previously discussed cost approx. £1700 each – this is for a 32inch screen that also includes option to use audio as well. Revolution are finding out about the best options available and will send us the details for us to decide. They will not be in the lifts but situated in the lobby areas and can be secured against theft etc. ACTION: REVOLUTION.
- Re pressure washing the decking – this is an outstanding item that Revolution need to revisit. ACTION: REVOLUTION.
- Furniture – the cube has arrived and is installed in the garden; the chairs are going to take a bit longer as the person dealing with the order left the company and didn’t hand over so Revolution have had to sort this out.
- BBQs – subject to further discussion but generally on track for installation along with other garden furniture, eg hammocks etc.
Date Of Next Meeting: Tuesday, 7th June, 19:00