Islington Wharf Residents Association
Meeting |
Thursday, 9th February 2017 @ 19:00 |
Medical Centre |
Date of Minutes |
Monday, 13th February 2017 |
Attendees |
Linda Cox (LC) – Revolution Ian Forrester (IF) Jonathan Isaacs (JI) Â Â Â Â Â CHAIR Tracey Langford (TL) Wayne Langford (WL) James Needham (JN) Arnand Patel (AP) – Revolution Susan Swientozielskyj (SS) |
Apologies |
Katherine Harrison Paul Kelly |
Minutes |
Susan Swientozielskyj |
Next Meeting |
Thursday, 2nd March 2017 |
- As above.
- Accepted as a true record.
- Dog mess in lift:
- There has been an incident of dog mess in the lift in Block B which has rightfully enraged owners and residents. Following a barrage of complaints on the Islington Wharf facebook page, the dog owner in question did eventually come and clean it up. The perpetrator has been identified through the CCTV monitoring and Revolution will be writing a formal letter to the offending dog owner advising of the consequences should the incident be repeated. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Sink hole:
- Investigation and repair of the sink-hole that appeared in January is being managed by Thomsons. Initially, it was thought the cause may be through a fractured drain but a full check has been carried out and all drains are intact. A second theory currently being explored is that the site used to be covered with houses that had cellars and that when the houses were demolished and the cellars filled in, this was inadequate and has subsided. Further investigations to pin-point the cause are ongoing. The good news is that there is no risk to the main development.
- Lifts:
- (i) failure response times – questions asked if the charges differ depending on response times; a recent lift breakage had a 4 hour response time. AP informed the committee that this is the standard response time unless life is at risk and also confirmed that all callouts are covered by the existing contract. No further action required.
- (ii) lift shaft pits in Block B have not been cleaned for some considerable time and the Committee is concerned that this poses a fire hazard. They have been booked for cleaning.
- (iii) lift suspension cables in Block A stretching require urgent attention. Revolution are aware and is in hand.
- Electronic Noticeboards:
- Have been ordered. Next action is to agree the content and then installation date. ACTION: ALL
- Water logging in gardens
- Water logging in the garden of No. 9 – action to lift and replace the substandard material has yet to be instigated. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Motorbike parking:
- Work in progress as wrong sized part was sent, now waiting for the correct size to be made. Job should be completed in the next few weeks.
- Resident boiler maintenance:
- Paused as sprinkler systems (where insitu) need to be done at the same time. The delay is temporary and not expected to be of any real significance.
- Monthly report from Revolution with tickets raised.:
- To follow.
- ACTION: Revolution to update Committee when possible.
- Fixed window cleaning months:
- Nothing further to report. The current bi-annual cleaning in March and October will continue. All agreed that additional cleaning will come on line when payment for it can be secured from the building developers currently constructing in our area, noting that the building works will cause dirty windows. Revolution will need to follow up this action at a later date.
- Car park security upgrade:
- Upgrade is on track.
- Renting of apartments – lease essential information.
- TL to circulate the proposed pack for comment. Sign off next meeting. ACTION: TLÂ
- Bike store:
- Information has gone out to all residents; 18 people have taken up so far.
- Plants:
- Due to the ongoing & persistent problem re: dead/dying plants, the committee has agreed to consider looking at artificial replacements. SS to do some research for next meeting.
- Post meeting note: a basic on-line search has revealed two very good options that both provide high quality indoor (and outdoor) artificial plants/foliage, and provide a bespoke service including installation. Committee members are asked to look at both websites in preparation for further discussion at next meeting.
- and
- Parcel Collection:
- Revolution still conducting trials of this system, should be able to roll out shortly. Update to be provided at next meeting. ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Metal covers:
- Metal covers were to be installed on the public doors in the lobby areas as they were currently getting very scuffed: ACTION: REVOLUTION
- Constitution:
- Constitution – An electronic voting system for the key roles of chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer was set up but not everyone voted. Agreed to re-open for another week, 10-17 February, so that everyone can vote. Results and agreement at next meeting.
- In order to become a fully constituted Residents Committee and Association, 60% of residents need to sign up. Plan is to build on what is currently in place starting at the open meeting which is now agreed to take place on 30 March. To kick start the communication process, a list of achievements is to be compiled. A detailed plan re: content for the open meeting is to be discussed and agreed at the March meeting. In the meantime, SS agreed to start the list of achievements and IF agreed to book the room. ACTION: SS/IF
- No other areas of business.
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